Massachusetts Voters Support Full Transition to Electric Vehicles by 2030

BOSTON, Nov. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — According to a new poll commissioned by Coltura in consultation with Boston-based Green Energy Consumers Alliance, 62% of Massachusetts voters support a policy that would require all new cars sold to be electric by 2030 to reduce air pollution, combat climate change, create jobs, and keep energy dollars in the state. Under such a policy, individuals could still drive, buy, and sell gas-powered cars manufactured before 2030. Just 28% of Massachusetts voters oppose the policy.

"To achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions, we must address a major source of carbon pollution driving the climate crisis: gas-powered cars, trucks, and SUVs," said Janelle London, co-executive director of Coltura. "The findings of this poll make clear that the public supports a 2030 target date for phasing out gasoline-powered vehicles. It’s time for elected officials to pass laws that reflect the will of their constituents."

The survey, which covered a range of issues relating to electric vehicles (EVs) and the environment, found that 66% of Massachusetts respondents have a somewhat or very positive opinion of EVs, and that 56% said they were likely to purchase an EV within the next five years.

"The survey shows that consumers are influenced by incentives that reduce the upfront cost of an EV, underlining the importance of the state MOR-EV rebate (up to $2,500), said Anna Vanderspek, EV Program Director of the Green Energy Consumers Alliance. "It also shows that people want to see more EV charging stations. Fortunately, the utilities have plans to build more charging stations and the federal infrastructure bill is bringing $63 million to Massachusetts to expand charging infrastructure.  We hope that President Biden’s Build Back Better legislation will pass soon and there will be more funds for EVs and charging stations."

Nationally, Black and Hispanic respondents support phasing out gasoline cars by 2030 by a 2:1 margin, and young voters favor a 2030 phaseout by 70%-22% margin.

About the Poll
Climate Nexus Polling, in partnership with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, conducted a representative survey of 2,678 registered voters across the U.S. in a scientific online poll conducted in October 2021. An oversample of 347 voters was conducted in Massachusetts (margin of error +/- 5.8%). Polling methodology and additional findings are available at

About Green Energy Consumers Alliance
Green Energy Consumers is a nonprofit with a mission to harness the power of consumers to speed the transition to a low-carbon future. One of its many programs is Drive Green, which educates consumers about EVs and offers the benefits of group buying. Learn more at

About Coltura
Coltura is working to improve climate, health, and equity by accelerating the transition from gasoline and diesel to cleaner alternatives. It focuses on changing gasoline supply, demand, and culture through innovative legal and policy pathways, media, and art. It is currently leading a multi-state effort to introduce legislation setting a target for all model year 2030 or later passenger and light-duty vehicles sold to be electric vehicles. Learn more at

Media Contacts
Larry Chretien, Executive Director, Green Energy Consumers Alliance, Inc.

SOURCE Coltura