FORT WORTH, Texas, July 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — One of North Central Texas’s largest operators of managed lane highways, NTE Mobility Partners, is now incorporating clean, renewable energy into its daily operations with the installation of solar power on its Tarrant County maintenance facility (North Tarrant Express Maintenance Building), located near the intersection of I-35W and I-820 Loop.
The 202-panel, 79.79 kW solar array was designed and installed by Sunfinity Renewable Energy of Dallas, the same company that installed a 200 kW (588 panel) system on the Dallas headquarters of the LBJ Infrastructure Group (4545 LBJ Fwy.) in 2018. The new installation will yield significant electricity-cost savings over time, along with reducing emissions into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels for power. The installation is expected to supply almost 50% of the maintenance center’s electricity needs and offsetting 5,000,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (equivalent to burning 2.5 million pounds of coal) in the next 30 years.
The maintenance facility typically runs 24 hours per day, as the central hub for all crews in charge of ongoing operations, maintenance and repairs of the North Tarrant Express corridors with 13.3 miles of NTE TEXpress Lanes on I-820 (Northeast Loop) and SH-121/183 (Airport Freeway), and another 10.1 miles of NTE 35W TEXpress Lanes on I-35W. In total, the North Tarrant Express project consists of 23.4 miles of TEXpress Lanes in Tarrant County to increase the capacity of the highways, reduce traffic congestion and give drivers more choice over their daily commute. These two expansive reconstruction projects are successfully lessening traffic congestion along two of the busiest highway corridors in the region and state.
"We’ve been very pleased with the performance of our initial solar system at our LBJ facility in North Dallas, and it makes sense to extend those same environmental and financial benefits to our Tarrant County operations," said David Serrano, COO of North Tarrant Express.
John Billingsley, Chairman and CEO of Sunfinity adds, "Solar is a great fit for a wide range of businesses and non-profits, from retail to manufacturing to educational. With the extension of the federal tax credit for going solar at 26%, now is the time to see how much solar can save your operations."
With U.S. headquarters in Austin, Texas, Cintra is one of the leading private-sector transportation infrastructure companies in the world, with experience spanning over 50 years of innovative highway development on four continents. Today, Cintra manages over $10 billion of infrastructure projects in the United States and more than $4.7 billion of infrastructure projects in Canada. The LBJ Express, North Tarrant Express and I-35W corridors cover nearly 40 miles of highway across North Texas and provide congestion relief and mobility within a regional network.
For more information about LBJIG and the LBJ TEXpress Lanes, please visit For details on NTEMP and the NTE TEXpress Lanes, visit and for Cintra US, please go to
Sunfinity Renewable Energy is headquartered in Dallas with full-service operations throughout Texas. Sunfinity Renewable Energy offers complete residential, C&I (commercial and industrial) and utility-scale solar systems.
CONTACT: Karla Neely, 214.707.3071
Sunfinity Renewable Energy
SOURCE Sunfinity Renewable Energy