BATON ROUGE, La., April 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — University Products, LLC recently underscored the continued success of its vaccine created to address the widespread problem of anaplasmosis in cattle; considered especially problematic in U.S. states like California, Montana, and Oklahoma where the disease has become endemic. Anaplasmosis is a parasite-carried blood disease that infects red blood cells, causing severe anemia and death – representing a major financial blow to the cattle industry each year, between cattle lost to the disease and the costly time-consuming treatments used to save the rest of the herd. Recent clinical studies of the vaccine also point to other promising uses, including treatment for Bovine Babesiosis (Redwater fever), another parasite-borne illness of particular concern in the U.K. and the cattle-rich tropical regions of Latin America, with over half of herds there living in tick-infested areas.
Anaplasmosis: A Persistent Cattle Industry Crisis
The University Products vaccine was first developed by Dr. Gene Luther, D.V.M., Ph.D. in 2000 and has already been FDA-approved for experimental use. Although it does not prevent infection, it significantly reduces clinical signs and helps prevent cattle death. A detailed description and method of administration is publicly available for PDF download.
“Anaplasmosis is absolutely a global problem, found in nearly every country that raises cattle, and in 40 of the 50 U.S. states,” said Dr. Luther. News of our vaccine has quietly circulated via word-of-mouth and through internal press releases. This is a cost-effective answer to the U.S. anaplasmosis problem, and we know our product works. We’re also starting to get indications that our process could make a viable vaccine for babesiosis too. We’re still compiling test results on that and will have more information soon. But it’s time that we offered our anaplasmosis solution to a broader market, especially in Latin America in general – with annual herd losses there costing billions once you take into consideration tick-borne illnesses like anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Just the efforts at reducing the yearly tick population alone costs businesses millions – which is frankly a losing battle with spotty effectiveness. It cannot rival the direct solution of a vaccine.”
“I have practiced long enough to have seen several defective anaplasmosis vaccines that often caused more harm than good when used by cattlemen desperate to avoid serious financial losses related to anaplasmosis outbreaks,” said Larry D. Thompson, retired DVM. “There is currently only one vaccine available for use in the United States. I have used this very efficacious vaccine for over 28 years with no side effects. The vaccine is produced in Louisiana at LSU by Dr. Gene Luther.”
For more information on the ongoing study, or to read Dr. Thompson’s full analysis of anaplasmosis treatment, contact Dr. Luther directly by email at
Media Contact:
Don Luther, Communications Director
SOURCE University Products LLC