University Products Issues Urgent Warning to Cattle Ranchers: ‘New Study Reveals High Costs of Acute Anaplasmosis Infections in Beef Bulls’

BATON ROUTE, La., April 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — University Products LLC, a Louisiana-based company, is warning cattle ranchers and beef producers about the adverse breeding outcomes associated with acute anaplasmosis infections. A new study reveals that the endemic tick-borne disease reduces breeding soundness in beef bulls, leading to undesirable breeding outcomes which could result in critical herd implications for cow-calf producers in endemic areas throughout the United States.

The study also recommends a 90-day or greater retest window for bulls of unsatisfactory breeding potential recently recovered from clinical anaplasmosis. Originally published in BMC Veterinary Research, the research looked at breeding soundness in beef bulls experimentally infected with anaplasmosis – a tick-borne disease that costs U.S. cattle ranchers a conservative estimate of $1 Billion in losses per year.

A veterinarian researcher and vaccine developer, this is an issue that Dr. Donald Luther, DVM of University Products understands well. University Products produces the only effective vaccine against anaplasmosis that is approved for experimental use and has been successfully deployed in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and South America for over 20 years.

This continues to be an underreported issue for ranchers, producers, and beef consumers every single year,” said Dr. Luther. “I have a client right now, a seasoned cattle owner in Louisiana for over 60 years, who began using our vaccine a couple of years ago. Like most ranchers, he has battled anaplasmosis outbreaks every single year for his entire career. And before using the vaccine, he noted that the cattle’s hocks were locked, along with a loss of appetite and unusual weight loss. One time he lost nine head in just a two-week period.”

Anaplasmosis is devastating for ranchers like him, and this is the type of situation that many other producers are looking at,” said Dr. Luther. “Since he began using our vaccine though, he has seen his cattle conception rates go from 50% to 93%. And he said his cattle are not as aggressive, that their body condition is much improved. These are real world results.”

We cannot overstate the importance of this study’s conclusions for the cattle industry,” said Dr. Luther. “Reduced breeding soundness in beef bulls due to anaplasmosis is significant, and the losses in the industry due to this disease are substantial. It is vital that cattle ranchers and beef producers take the threat seriously and take measures to protect their herds. Our vaccine has already been proven effective for over two decades. It can significantly reduce infection signs in at-risk animals, and we hope ranchers will consider using it to protect their herds and their profits.”

*Research study facts and quotes sourced from the National Library of Medicine.

About University Products LLC

The University Products vaccine does not prevent infection, but when properly used, significantly reduces clinical signs in at-risk animals. The vaccine requires only two doses in the first year, with one annual booster each year thereafter and is safe to use in any stage of bovine pregnancy. A detailed description of the vaccine and its method of administration is publicly available for PDF download.

For more information on the University Products vaccine, with availability for farmers and producers, please instruct veterinarians to contact Dr. Luther directly by email at

Media Contact:
Wil Ray, Director

SOURCE University Products LLC